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RazoRock Stainless Steel Hawk V3 Agressive Razor HD Handle

Ref: 08112

RazoRock Hawk V3 Stainless Steel "Agressive" HD Razor. The story of Razorock begins on a vacation in Italy in 2019. Joseph's stepfather, a retired Italian barber living in North America, asked him to bring back alum stones from his trip, which he used after shaving. Joseph, along with his uncle Michael, began their search until they found them in a small store in Tuscany. Thus, Razorock emerged, a brand with a wide variety of personal hygiene and shaving products known worldwide.


✔️ Special for big hands ✔️ For your most comfortable use
✔️ Less blade exposure ✔️ For sensitive skin and soft beard
✔️ They do not rust ✔️ Sustainability and savings