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Jabón de Afeitar Extra Vitos con glicerina 1kilo

Vitos Shaving Soap Glycerin Extra Super Sapone da barba Coco 1KG

Ref: V1000

Vitos Shaving Soap Glycerin Extra Super "Sapone da barba" Coco 1KG. Vitos Shaving soap Extra Super (Vitos sapone per barba) is an ancient tallow based formula. It has a morbid texture, it’s not a hard shaving soap but a “soft” shaving soap. Coco scent soap that creates a protective and moisturizing leather.


✔️ Use with hot water and brush   ✔️ More hydration than pressurized foams
✔️ Small amount large volume of foam    ✔️ Duration between 4 and 6 months